SHIFT Enterprise Academy Founder/Chairman, Ethan Brisby and Ugandan native Erasmus Ichode met at a Mother's Day cookout earlier this year. Erasmus, also known as "Ranks" was DJing the festive event and Ethan was out to make some new friends.
"I didn't know anyone at the cookout really, so I made my way to the DJ. The DJ at a party is always vibrant," Brisby states.
The two began small talk, but before long they realized there might be more to their meeting. Erasmus revealed to Ethan he was building a vocational school back home in Uganda. Brisby told him about his work in the states with SHIFT Enterprise Academy, and a friendship was born at that moment.
"I wish I could have met Ethan sooner. No one has ever told me the things he tells me about life. I know the SHIFT approach will help many people in my country." Ranks proclaims.
SHIFT Enterprise Academy exists to identify high performing and motivated youth and young adults for the purpose of developing a mindset and skill set needed to attain their desired level of success. Founded in 2011, the organization is a 501C3 public charity based in Bryan, Texas with a satellite campus in Galveston, Texas since 2017.
Brisby is a product of Morehouse College in Atlanta and Texas A&M University. He is an author, noted public speaker, and servant leader with a verifiable track record for building communities. Moreover, working on the African continent has always been part of his vision as is noted on his graduate school mission statement for admissions in 2010.

With this in mind, according to government statistics there are more than 7,000,000 youth in Uganda age 15-24. Many of them are not being prepared properly to compete on a global scale as entrepreneurs in the Digital Age. As detailed in recent report from Population Action a DC based organization that studies and assist Healthy Families across the globe, Uganda has the youngest age structure in the world, with 77 percent of its population under the age of 30. The population of Uganda is currently growing by about one million people per year, and given the force of demographic momentum, Uganda will see high rates of population growth for decades to come. Uganda’s demographic situation impacts all aspects of its development, from economic growth to quality of education to health care provisions.
It is for this reason Brisby, Ichode, and the SHIFT Enterprise Academy team are making preparations to bring the SHIFT model to the beautiful nation of Uganda. Ichode is a product of the Bukedea District just outside of Mbale. The two are establishing the first school in Bukedea, and are already receiving invites to bring Brisby and his curriculum to other areas of the the East African jewel.

It was a few ago, Ranks says a Facebook ad popped up featuring Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao, a Ghanaian national, and Permanent Representative of the African Union Representational Mission to the United States of America. Quao is promoting diaspora homecomings just like the one we see with SHIFT coming to Uganda.
"We are absolutely answering the call of Dr. Quao. We hope to meet her and engage with her about how we can scale our work and recruit others to join us in this great arising," Brisby stated emphatically.
To support SHIFT Enterprise Academy, Inc and its mission in Uganda and beyond visit and hit the DONATE button. You can also e-mail Brisby and Ichode at
"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light."
Luke 8:16
If you have not had Shift Enterprise as part of your youth programs, It, along with Ethan is a good way to motivate feature young leaders!!